The Amazing Arctic Tern

The arctic tern is an amazing animal, with a staggering 44,000 miles to migrate each year! It has amazing adaptations to survive in its cold, harsh habitat.

Facts about an arctic tern's body

The tails of arctic terns are forked. Forked means split in two, just like a pitchfork. Arctic terns are colorful, with red beaks, black heads and gray bodies. These birds also have webbed feet. They are 13-15 in. (33-38 cm) long. Arctic tern males and females look about the same. For their own size, they have quite a large wingspan.

Adaptations of an arctic tern

One adaptation the arctic tern has is short feathers for warmth in the arctic. They're going to need it, because the lowest temperature of the arctic is -22 degrees! It has very, very long wings for migrating those 44,000 miles. Another adaptation the arctic tern has is a stout beak for catching fish. The forked tail is used for swift migration.

An arctic tern's habitat

The arctic tern is a seabird, so it lives by the warm European waters. The arctic tern needs the water for fish.

Predators and prey of an arctic tern

The arctic tern normally eats fish. The type of fish it eats are cod, herring and krill. In fact, they also eat crabs! In warm weather, they eat insects, berries and worms, like other birds. The arctic tern swoops down to get fish and quickly dips. They are prey to large birds & mammals.

Fun facts about an arctic tern

  1. Arctic terns live in colonies, just like many bugs do.
  2. Arctic terns live for about 30 years.
  3. Arctic terns use spots in the sky to migrate.
  4. Some arctic terns travel 1.5 million miles in a lifetime.
  5. Arctic terns have an electromagnetic force inside them.I


I hope you liked learning about the amazing arctic tern.

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