The Amazing Wolf Pack

Wolves are amazing, with gray fur and strong noses. They are the true canine ancestor. But by far the most amazing adaptation they have is the pack. The wolf pack is a group of wolves that stay together just like a society. And just like a society, they have a leader wolf. Read on to learn more!

Pack Facts

Wolves live in groups called packs. The pack can contain 2 - 36 wolves, with 6 as the average amount. Even though a wolf itself is strong, more are stronger. That's why they stay in a group. There are many other reasons too, like protecting the cubs. They will be able to get more food. Plus many other reasons too. Alphas are the leaders. There is usually one male alpha and one female alpha. Then there's the betas. They crouch down to look small.


Wolves usually communicate with each other using howls. A wolf howl can span over amazing distances at amazing volume; up to 50 square miles at 90 - 115 decibels! Plus, they can hear each other over 6 - 10 miles, depending on the place they're in. They can hear 6 miles in a forest, and 10 in an open tundra. They tell other wolves to stay away from their territories using urine and scats, a behavior called scent-marking.


Wolves have an advantage living together for hunting, too. They find a herd, then chase it. Then the animals get scared. They run away from the wolves. The weak animals in the herd get left behind. This makes it easier for the wolves to get food as they do not have to run. Then they share the meal. The alphas eat a little bit first. Then the whole pack digs in. In fact, it will actually last them a few days!


I hope you liked learning about the amazing wolf pack.

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