My family follows Hinduism, which is a polytheistic belief system. There are three main gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, corresponding to creation, preservation, and destruction. Hinduism has many holidays, including Diwali (the festival of lights), Ganesh Chaturthi (birthday of Lord Ganesha) and others. Worship of a god is called pooja and some families, like ours, do it once in a while, and others do it every day.

Section 2

There are a few main types of food that we eat. First we have some sort of bread or rice – the bread is called roti and it is a soft flatbread. Then we eat cooked vegetables, called subzi. Finally, we have cooked lentils, called daal.

The languages that our family speaks are Hindi and Telugu (on my mom’s and dad’s sides, respectively), although we speak English at home. I learned to read, write, and speak Hindi at our local temple. Here are some examples:
मेरा नाम अथर्व है- Hindi
ఇది కోసం పాఠశాల. - Telugu

We have a few customs in our household. First, we take off our shoes when we enter the house. Secondly, we eat Indian food with our hands, to connect with our food using all our senses. Third, we take blessings from elders by touching their feet, and our elders touch our head in return.

Our culture has a few attitudes, a few of them based on food. Firstly, we are vegetarian (don't eat meat or fish). Next, we eat food from restaurants rarely (about once a week). Also, I have 1 hour of screen time each day, and I don't use social media.

My Beliefs
Even though I am influenced by my ancestry and heritage, since I live in this generation, I have a lot more exposure to technology. I love playing video games, coding, and making music online, but I also play piano, saxophone, and do Tae Kwon Do.